Our Building Material Manufacturing Client’s Traffic Value Increased by 700%! No Kidding!

The pandemic and ensuing lockdowns haven’t been easy on anyone! Our client is a building materials manufacturer and supplier with a global brand presence but suffered a downturn due to the lockdown in Malaysia.

We officially kick-started the SEO project for their Malaysian website in May 2021

The site was huge and needed in-depth analysis.

Surprisingly, the client did have some quality content on their service and product pages, yet wasn’t ranking for the money keywords.

Our Building Material Manufacturing Client’s Traffic Value Increased by 700%! No Kidding! 1

Our quick win strategies

Here’s where we directed our SEO efforts:

  • Competitor research.
  • Keyword research along with an in-depth content gap analysis.
  • Layered the existing content by including important transactional keywords related to building materials.
  • Improving the internal linking structure between the pages.
  • Updating the metadata for all pages.
  • Setting up a blog and creating SEO-structured content to help the website rank for informational keywords and creating an effective blog sales funnel.
  • Sweet spot analysis to identify the low hanging fruit – identifying the existing keywords ranked at the bottom of page 1 and top of page 2 and created content & internal link structures to boost their ranking.

We also realised that the client’s customer base was solely located within Malaysia. We communicated with the client and prioritized our efforts to focus on their desired target market.

Moving forward, we focused our optimization strategies within the country.

And did we win?


The performance of the website dropped globally.

performance of the website dropped globally

Let’s say – It was exactly as expected.

But you know what?

The site improved tremendously in Malaysia, our target country, and the client started getting more leads than ever! smiley

site improved tremendously

blog content

The website also started to rank for many highly relevant, “money” keywords and the traffic value increased by almost 700%!

traffic value increased by almost 700%

Note: This is an SEO tool, hence, the numbers shown are an estimation from the tool’s database and might differ from real data (also applies to the number of organic keywords and traffic)

A quick job that we managed to score well on!victory

Side note: The client had to pause their SEO Malaysia campaign after some months in order to focus their budget on a website revamp.

It’s been a couple of months since we stopped but the compounding effect of SEO can still be seen on the website. The site continues to attract more visitors and grow its presence within Malaysia.

If you are looking for tailored SEO strategies for your manufacturing company, read our case studies to see how we can help. We are an SEO company in Malaysia offering professional SEO services to Malaysian businesses.

Contact Us Now & Start Winning In SEO

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